Jennifer Y. C. Lee
Primary Head
Benedem Education of Seoul is dedicated to providing a nurturing and enriching environment for students to develop not only their academic skills but also essential personal traits.
Benedem Faculty is committed to encourage and foster development of the traits listed below in their daily routine as well as providing a supportive and enriching environment for personal, academical, social-emotional growth. Emphasizing these traits is a commendable approach to education.
L eadership
O pen-mindedness
R esilience
I ntegrity
C ollaboration
Providing high-quality education, we believe such qualities can play a significant role in shaping students into well-rounded individuals who are better prepared for their future endeavors.
These qualities are not only valuable in the academic realm but also in preparing students for success in their future personal and professional lives and for their holistic development.
We are proud to announce that BES is now expanding middle school in the following year. With confidence, BES is an institution where your child feels that they can explore and pursue their dreams. And, BES will be the center of your child’s life working towards making those dreams a reality.
Wishing all students, faculty and staff at BES a successful and fulfilling academic year ahead!
학원설립 운영등록증 / 베네뎀에듀학원 3335호
Business License : 178-81-02294 Representative : LEE YI CHEN(이의진)
서울특별시 용산구 장문로 6길 12(동빙고동) 6층
Copyrightⓒ Benedem Edu Incorporated ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
통신판매업 신고번호 : 2023-서울용산-1449
T: 02-6367-1100
F: 02-6367-1101
베네뎀에듀 학원
제 3335호
Business License : 178-81-02294
Representative : LEE YI CHEN(이의진)
Address : 서울시 용산구 동빙고동 7-14, 6층
통신판매업 신고번호 : 2023-서울용산-1449
Copyrightⓒ Benedem Edu Incorporated ALL RIGHTS RESERVED