Our Vision

To inspire students to act and think independently, and nurture individuals to reflect as they create their unique, successful future. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to discover and cultivate a culture of empowerment, collaboration, and excellence by developing each student’s talent and passion to thrive in a complex, global world.

Our Values L.O.R.I.C

At B.E.S, our core values of leadership, open-minded, resilience, integrity, and collaboration mean more than their definition. They are the roots and stems of our community as we strive to reflect these values in our curriculum, afterschool activities and school environment.


To maintain a strong sense of our beliefs, to believe in ourselves and to inspire others through our deeds


To understand and think in other perspectives, opening up to new ideas and experiences


To be able to withstand difficulties and rebound from challenges

 I ntegrity 

To make decisions based on what is morally upright, truthful and just


To cooperate with friends and families in order to achieve shared

학원설립 운영등록증 / 베네뎀에듀학원 3335호

Business License : 178-81-02294       Representative : LEE YI CHEN(이의진)

서울특별시 용산구 장문로 6길 12(동빙고동) 6층

Copyrightⓒ Benedem Edu Incorporated ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

통신판매업 신고번호 : 2023-서울용산-1449

T: 02-6367-1100

F: 02-6367-1101

E: info@benedem.org

베네뎀에듀 학원

제 3335호

Business License : 178-81-02294

Representative : LEE YI CHEN(이의진)

Address : 서울시 용산구 동빙고동 7-14, 6층

통신판매업 신고번호 : 2023-서울용산-1449 

Copyrightⓒ Benedem Edu Incorporated ALL RIGHTS RESERVED