The main objective of the English Language Arts curriculum is to provide opportunities for students to experience and enhance their understanding of different types of genres. This approach can help ELL students develop essential language and literacy skills through Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening. As guided by Benedem's strategies, project-based learning is a valuable method for achieving this objective. Using visual aids that can help students effectively organize and retain information, students are trained to think critically about the content presented, which is vital for their academic success.
Our mathematics curriculum places a strong emphasis on connecting mathematical concepts to real-world problems which is a great way to engage students in showing them the relevance of mathematics in their daily lives. Along with accelerating mathematical computation skills, Benedem faculty assists students in actively using B.E.S's unique "Problem Solving Model" which helps students design and scaffold their mathematical thinking skills. This has significantly proven in students reducing their resistance to solving word problems. Fostering a natural interest and curiosity, B.E.S students continue to apply their math concepts to other subject matters.
Benedem Social studies content is mainly based on the C3 Framework and the curriculum is modified to meet the needs of the global citizens in today's interconnected world. Benedem's social studies class incorporates Korean history, World history, Ancient History as well as U.S. History. This modified social studies curriculum is essential in developing various aspects of social and cultural understanding to foster an individual who can be an international mindedness. Benedem is dedicated to designing social studies content to enhance students' abilities to become informed and engaged citizens who not only are aware of the local history and culture but also have a broader perspective that includes global context.
Aligned with NGSS - Next Generation Science Standards, Benedem's science curriculum embraces STEAM learning and engaging students in observable real-world science content building scientific knowledge and skills. Students are invited to investigate, explore, discuss, observe, predict, analyze, and develop an understanding of local and wider environments from scientific perspectives through inquiry-based and project-based learning. Through diverse experiments, students explore hands-on STEAM activities carefully designed by each homeroom teacher. Integrating with other subjects is the key to learning in Benedem Science classes.
학원설립 운영등록증 / 베네뎀에듀학원 3335호
Business License : 178-81-02294 Representative : LEE YI CHEN(이의진)
서울특별시 용산구 장문로 6길 12(동빙고동) 6층
Copyrightⓒ Benedem Edu Incorporated ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
통신판매업 신고번호 : 2023-서울용산-1449
T: 02-6367-1100
F: 02-6367-1101
베네뎀에듀 학원
제 3335호
Business License : 178-81-02294
Representative : LEE YI CHEN(이의진)
Address : 서울시 용산구 동빙고동 7-14, 6층
통신판매업 신고번호 : 2023-서울용산-1449
Copyrightⓒ Benedem Edu Incorporated ALL RIGHTS RESERVED